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Dedicated to the Do It Yourself Crowd

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Custom Built Home by King Skipper Construction



     Wouldn't you like to Save some money and be able to do those home improvement projects yourself? Here you are, willing and able but don't have a clue how to proceed - Yeah, you can watch a youtube video but your house isn't the same as the one in the video and how do you know the guy in the video knows what he's doing? You might have a friend or neighbor that says he knows --- but does he? Through our system Your worries are over and we can make you the "King" of your house.

     Here at "KING SKIPPER CONSTRUCTION" we have developed a time proven System for helping the homeowner/do - it - yourself person to achieve all of their construction and remodeling projects with professional end results.  King Skipper has been in the building and remodeling field for over 45 years and has worked at the professional level in all the trades.  From building New to completely renovating old - from pouring concrete foundations to putting the roofs on - from design to completion we have been there and now with our team of professionals we are there for you!

     Can you draw a simple sketch?  Can you Take a few measurements?  Do you have a cell phone with camera capabilities?  How about texting capabilities?  Are you physically fit for the job your trying to do?  Can you follow instructions?  For bigger projects would you have some help?(Friends/relatives?)   If you have answered yes to all of these questions --- "KING SKIPPER CONSTRUCTION" can save you big money -- on bigger projects a savings of thousands of dollars can be achieved -- making you the "KING" of your house!!!



<-- Yes this is one of ours

Confidence with a professional Guide

Serving the Nation

1st project free to all new customers*

* some smaller jobs that take up one hours time or one hours time worth of credit on a bigger project

© copyright 2016 King Skipper Construction